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Something Witty

odair goes my social life --- due to books and tumblr


The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

New to a website? Why not make friends by posting something about The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. 


First of all, if you haven't read this book, I don't care who you are, get off this site right now and go to the nearest chapters or open a new tab and open amazon. You can come back when you finish it.


Second, TFiOS is extraordinary and motivational. It changes you views on people with cancer and it is an emotional journey about two people who meet in the 'literal heart of jesus' (TFiOS reference). Reading this book made me feel every emotion and  it makes you think about how there are people who are worse off than you. 


Third, if you have read this book, you will understand why I am going to put this next line in capital letters, THE MOVIE COMES OUT IN LESS THAN 4 MONTHS AND THE TRAILER IS PERFECT!


Okay, Okay, if you haven't read it, go read it. If you have read this, let's talk about it.